Witham Tree Group - who we are
The Witham Tree Group was formed in 2012 by a small group of likeminded residents with the aim of protecting and increasing the tree cover in our town for the benefit of local residents, both now and in the future, and the environment.
We are a very informal group. We meet about once a month to plan activities and we hold an AGM each spring.
New members are always welcome. Click on Contact Us to find out how to get in touch.
Latest news
Our website is being redesigned. The new version will appear shortly.
The 2024 Watering Season Begins (Sort Of)
We water the trees we plant for their first two years and longer if they need it. We provide a watering tube when we plant each tree so that we can deliver water to the bottom of the root ball, since watering only at the surface may not get water to the important lower roots....
Read "The 2024 Watering Season Begins (Sort Of)"
Read "The 2024 Watering Season Begins (Sort Of)"